It was an emotional dominated by the return to class after a month long break, waking up at 4a.m. to go to the gym, work, and being broke.
The highlight of my lame life over the winter break was going to a 30 Seconds to Mars concert (if you have never heard of them before, you should check them out) and the concert was mind blowing...I love Jared. I got to touch him because I was really close to the stage and he always walks on to the rail during the show to get closer to the fans.
Jared Leto (lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars) |
But anyway, I also tried to stop my purging. Which worked for a week or so but I have started up again...nothing extreme like multiple times a day but usually in the evening when I get home from work or school. Today, and right at this very moment, I am trying not to think about the Redvines that are down stairs which I really would like to eat. I go to the gym as much as possible but it is really hard now because of my school and work. I am trying to get as much hours in as possible because I am going to Japan in April and everything there is so expensive. I also would like to trim down before then too. I am starting to feel the stress pile on day by day. I also got a second job as a math tutor at my school on weekends. I haven't started yet but I hope that doesn't get too crazy.
I just found your blog and am already jealous of you! 30 Seconds to Mars is quite lovely.