Thursday, October 21, 2010

FML, seriously, FML

If there was ever a day where things weren't quite right it would be today.  The first SF Giants game I watched this week and they LOST to the Phillies.  The mall that I was going to go to this weekend burns down because some idiot hates the world, and the bloating in my belly is proof of a foreshadowing period. Today my cousin asked me about my knuckles (which are worn from keeping me up over the toilet while I puke my guts out) and I lied, telling her it was because I play bloody knuckles with my guy friends at school. Which is complete bullshit.

I have been working my butt off in chemistry class and Japanese this week.  I had my mid-term for Japanese which was two twos long, and was made up of reading, writing, listening, and speaking sections. The speaking was a skit that we had to preform. The professor gave us a week in advance to do everything too. It was crazy. I am anti-Japanese Language class now.  Just the class, not the actual language (I'm Japanese-American.) I really want to become fluent but the course itself is not enjoyable for me. I enjoy Chemistry way more than Japanese! ugh...


  1. I'm sorry things have been so hard for you, I hope they can better. Good luck on your midterm, I've got mine coming up in a few weeks.
    Stay strong.

  2. Hang in there, babe. You can do anything you put your mind to!
